Posted by: Michael Fisher | June 24, 2008

Kelsey Bird

This week Krista is volunteering at Lakeside Church for their summer camp called Blitz.  Since Krista is working, that means Kelsey gets to go to the daycare “camp” at the church.  She was excited about going and seeing her good friend, Kayla, and taking her own lunch.  (In her words, taking her lunch to church “would be funny.”)  They got to church at 8:30am and they don’t get out until after lunch at 12:30, so it was a long morning for her.

I took a late lunch today, so I could see the girls when they came home from Blitz.  Kelsey seemed tired when I saw her, so when I left to go back to work, I assumed she would take a good nap.  However, when I walked in the door around 5:45 this evening, Kelsey was sleeping in her high chair at the dinner table.  She was so tired because she didn’t take a nap for Krista in the afternoon.  I laid her in her bed, and Krista and I hoped a quick nap would do her good.

Wiped out

Tonight was our night for Tricks, the gym for little kids.  We had to wake Kelsey up to put her in the car.  She was in no shape for anything.  She was crying and slobbering….she was a mess.  My only hope was that when she saw the trampolines and other stuff at Tricks she would come around.  Boy was I wrong.  She clung onto me like a monkey.  She freaked out when I tried to set her down.  It was not happening.  Krista goes grocery shopping when we are at Tricks, so I had to call her to come back early to pick us up. 

After we got home, everything was great.  Kelsey got her second wind.  She was so happy and pumped up, I was afraid that she would not go to bed.  But we got her down by 9, about an hour later than ideal, but it was good.

Let’s hope that tomorrow is better….Blitz, naps and everything.

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